125 Years of Relief: Bayer Aspirin has been a leading aspirin brand in pain relief
325 Mg Per Tablet: Each coated tablet of Genuine Bayer Aspirin contains 325 mg of the active ingredient aspirin (NSAID)*
Multi-Symptom Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer: Genuine Bayer Aspirin provides proven relief of headache, backache, muscle pain, toothache, menstrual pain, as well as minor arthritis pain relief, and reduces fever
Free From: Each pain medicine tablet is free of caffeine and sodium and is coated to make it easier for swallowing
Make sure to consult with your doctor before starting an aspirin regimen, as it may not be suitable for everyone.
Helps Prevent Another Heart Attack or Ischemic Stroke: Genuine Bayer Aspirin can help prevent another heart attack or clot-related (ischemic) stroke